View menu commands
The View menu offers the following commands:

ToolbarShows or hides the toolbar.
HTML ToolbarShows or hides the HTML toolbar.
Browser ToolbarShows or hides the Browser toolbar.
Status BarShows or hides the status bar.
Cliptext WindowShows or hides the Cliptext window.
Directory WindowShows or hides the Directory Window.
Output WindowShows or hides the output window.
Document SelectorShows or hides the Document Selector.
Goto Cliptext/DirectorySwitches the focus between the cliptext/directory window and the document.
Goto Output WindowSwitches the focus between the output window and the document.
Screen FontSelects the screen font.
Larger Font SizeSelects larger font size.
Smaller Font SizeSelects smaller font size.
Set FontConfigures font settings.
Mirror Screen FontMake printer font follow screen font regardless of the printer font settings.
Set Printer FontSets the printer font.
URL HighlightingHighlights URLs and e-mail addresses.
Syntax HighlightingEnables the syntax highlighting.
Word HighlightingHighlights all occurrences of selected word.
Brace HighlightingHighlights matching braces.
Cursor IndicatorShows or hides cursor indicators.
RulerShows or hides the ruler.
Line NumberShows or hides the line number.
TabsShows or hides tab marks.
SpacesShows or hides space marks.
Line BreakShows or hides line break marks.
Use Code FoldingTurns on or off the code folding feature.
CollapseCollapses the current part of the code.
ExpandExpands current folded line.
Toggle FoldingToggles the folding state of current line.
Collapse One LevelCollapses the entire code one level.
Expand One LevelExpands the entire code one level.
Collapse AllCollapses all indented text.
Expand AllExpands all folded text.
Full ScreenToggles the full screen mode on and off.
View in BrowserLoads the active document into the web browser.
View in Browser 2Loads the active document into the web browser 2.